Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 83 "Tackling the Stank Tank" 7 March 2009

Today was Saturday and I decided to finish cleaning out my gas tank. I had started on Day 13 but had gotten very discouraged due to a ridiculous amount of rust inside the tank. I was even debating purchasing another tank online but the average cost for what I needed was in the three hundred dollar range so I looked around and found a guy that would acid wash mine for $250, still to pricey for me. S0 I did it myself for right around $25. I used some Stuff that I'd seen a commercial called CLR and it worked better then I could have ever imagined. I filled the tank about half way and let it soak for most of the day sloshing it inside the tank every now and then .

I wish that I had taken a before pic! When I checked the tank after the soak I noticed there was a mark that was revealed once the rust was gone. I hadn't seen it before because the rust was so thick. However I still need to drain out the sludge that is sitting at the bottom of the tank.

The CLR is originally a light green clear liquid, now its a thick brown goo, that wont drain out the fuel shutoff valve, so both valves on the tank also had to be removed, and why they're off I guess I'll re-build them too.
Cleaned, rebuilt, and almost ready to go back in the tank once the goo stops draining out.

Here's the junk that was cleaned and drained out of the tank, I thought it was bad, but not this bad, after a really good rinse and dry out the tank should be ready for gas!

Here she is with gas after the day of cleaning, the gas is not orange and there's no rust!

Some of my Carburetor brackets have started rusting too... CLR to save the day!

Very Rusty.

After being stripped with CLR and painted, as you can tell I'm a huge fan.

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