Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 89 "Tank Trim?" 13 March 2009

Today I added this trim to the tank, I'm not sure what I think of it yet, please let me know by commenting (located just below this post). My last wheel bearing should be in today or tomorrow, so the wheels should be going on soon! I hope? Then let the chopping begin!


  1. For this Tank the Chrome is very nice

  2. On this Tank the Chrome fits.
    Rockhound, TX
    79 XS1100 Sp

  3. Thanks Mark, I wasn't quite sure what I thought of it at first but it's starting to grow on me. It was pretty cheap too I had seen a kit advertised on E-bay, which normally means you can get it other places a lot cheaper and sure enough I found it at my local parts shop.

  4. I like it alot :) and its cheap? Awesome!!!

  5. Homicidal brew quest-er,
    Agreed. That is with your agreement.

  6. hahaha just looked at the bike again and that Bling Trim hasta stay matches the rest of your Demonic Cruiser!!! thanks for the comment back and i like that nick u gave me ;) just wish Blogspot would shoot me a message whenever theres something said here on your page!!! A way to set that up?


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